by Jo Starling | Mar 29, 2018
SPOT THE DIFFERENCE #1 Can you find 11 differences between these two drawings of out favourite seahorses, Seth and Serena? Print This Page click for solution Take Me Back To The Kids’ Corner ...more...
by Jo Starling | Mar 29, 2018
FISH FINDER #1 Find all the words on the right in the letter square below. Circle each letter of the words. When you’ve found them all, write the unused letters on the spaces below from left to right to discover some words of wisdom that will help preserve your...
by Jo Starling | Mar 29, 2018
FISH FINDER #2 Can you fill your tackle box with all the items on the right? Find the items in the jumbled letters. Words can run horizontally, vertically, diagonally and may read backwards. Print This Page click for solution Take Me Back To The Kids’ Corner ...more...
by Jo Starling | Mar 29, 2018
BARRAMAZING One lucky angler is hooked up to a nice barra (let’s face it, he’s VERY lucky… he does not have a tight line), the other three are snagged. Can you help them untangle their lines before the barra throws that lure? Which angler has...
by Jo Starling | Mar 29, 2018
DOUBLE HOOK-UP #2 Can you decipher the message in the bottle? This Double Hook-up is a puzzle within a puzzle! Unjumble the words on the left and use the numbers under the answers to help decipher the secret message. HINT: All the words on the left are places...