HOBART, AUSTRALIA — 1 AUGUST, 2019 — The Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation (ARFF) is seeking speakers and presenters for the 2019 National Recreational Fishing Conference, being held in Hobart, Tasmania on 10–11 December this year.

The search is on for inspiring, educational speakers who can fire the imaginations of recreational fishers across Australia, with the theme of Our Fishing, Our Research, Our Recreational Future. Standard time slots for each presentation will be 20 minutes, ensuring a vibrant and fast-paced event.

The conference will be live-streamed, allowing all interested fishers to tune in and discover how they can contribute positively to the future of our sport.

The National Recreational Fishing Conference aims to dissect the role of citizen science in recreational fishing and share the how’s, where’s and why’s so all Australians who love fishing can play their part in steering the sport into a strong and valued position in the future.

Expressions Of Interest are now sought from interested parties. To express interest, simply write a brief synopsis of your proposed presentation (no more than one page), including title, background and how it will align with the 2019 National Recreational Fishing Conference theme. EOI responses should show alignment to conference theme, and submit it by email to [email protected]. All submissions should be received by COB, Friday 30 August, 2019.

The Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation is a partnership between state peak fishing bodies, representative organisations and fish habitat groups that forms the peak national representative body for recreational fishers to the Australian Federal Government.

The ARFF is a not for profit organisation with a voluntary Board of recreational fishing strategists.

The objectives of ARFF are:

  • To educate and promote the benefits of sustainable recreational fishing to the public and to ensure the maintenance and growth of fish population throughout Australia;
  • To educate the fishing community on ethical, environmental and safety aspects of sustainable recreational fishing;
  • To raise awareness of and promote, the health benefits of sustainable recreational fishing;
  • To educate the public on how to protect, preserve and care for the environment, whilst recreationally fishing, including land care, flora and fauna and marine conservation;
  • To promote the accessibility of sustainable recreational fishing activities to persons of all age group, genders and ethnic origins.

Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation National Recreational Fishing Conference 2019 is supported by funding from the FRDC on behalf of the Australian Government.