Are You HIGH?
Hi. My name is Jo and I have a confession to make… I’m an addict. I’m addicted to fishing and I know I’m not alone. The more I talk to other similarly afflicted fishos, the more I realise that we’re potentially facing an epidemic of epically fantastic proportions! Do...
How To Beat A Cyber-bully Without Them Even Knowing
Have you found yourself in the crosshairs of a troll or a cyber-bully? I have. It’s not nice… and stopping the offender is downright difficult, especially for adults! What if I told you that you don’t need to stop them? What if you had a way to win without even...
The Ugly Truth Plaguing Rec’ Fishing
OMG! Are you as gobsmacked as I am over the discordant cacophony of babble and bullying that surrounds the concept of guarding the health of our fish stocks? It’s like living in the fable of Babel — with the incessance of social media dumped on top! Some folks are...
What Every Angler Ought To Know About Harvest Strategies.
If you’re across the catch data comparisons in Australia, you’ll be aware that there are some significant target species (mulloway and kingfish, as NSW examples) where our sector accounts for equivalent (if not higher) catch rates, compared to those recorded by...
It’s the nature of our sport.
A little marvel: this gorgeous bass came to visit during prefish for a kayak tournament on Lake Macdonald in Queensland. Why am I smiling so broadly? Because right here, in this moment, everything is wonderful: My surroundings, my relationship, that fish, this river,...
Fishy Politics
I doubt there’s a literate person on the globe who would disagree that politics has taken a perplexing turn in recent times. It’s as if there’s a pollutant in the water! Oh wait… there is! Readers in NSW will still be smarting from the recent wrestle with government...
RFNSW September Meeting 2018
As one of two South Coast representatives on the RFNSW (Recreational Fishing Advisory Council of NSW), I had the privilege to travel to Coffs Harbour at the end of August for the tenth meeting of this sitting Council. Over the past two years, the fifteen...
Australia Is Richer Because Of Recreational Fishing — In SO Many Ways.
Can you imagine an Australia without recreational fishing? Such a dire future might not be beyond the realms of possibility, especially if we continue on our present path. Following a year of heated debate on a number of fishing-related fronts, Jo believes it’s long...