The federal Dept. Agriculture is developing a framework for sharing Australia’s Commonwealth fisheries resources & YOU can have your say.

 The framework will provide a clear way to allocate fisheries resources. It will be applied to Commonwealth-managed fisheries. It will not impact state-managed and territory-managed fisheries.

Consultation on the discussion paper was set to close on 30 April 2020. However, due to the current challenges posed by COVID-19, we have decided to extend the deadline to 21 May 2020.

Have Your Say

The Department wants to hear from you. Your feedback will help them design a resource sharing framework that considers your needs.

Before submitting your feedback, read the Commonwealth Fisheries Resource Sharing Framework Discussion Paper [1.1MB PDF].

Then, Submit your feedback.

Submissions close 21 May 2020.

How the discussion paper was developed

The discussion paper was informed by:

  • a survey in September-October 2019
  • outcomes from the National Fishing Advisory Council (NFAC) meeting in September 2019
  • face-to-face meetings.

Next steps

Your feedback will inform a draft resource sharing framework. You can expect to see a draft framework in mid-2020.

For further information